Jummah Announcement

October 20th, 2023

By October 20, 2023 November 2nd, 2023 No Comments
  • We have daily short khatira on various topics after Isha


  • Sisters are invited today, October 20th at 2pm for a Dars by Imam Osama Alrefai on “Role and Status of Women in Islam” in the Basement Community Hall. Coffee and refreshments will be served


  • Imam Abdullah Bayomi, who is potential Imam candidate for ICP will be visiting Peoria from November 2nd to 4th Insha’Allah. During this time he will give a Juma Khutba, a Friday night lecture, hold a youth halaqa, a sisters halaqa, and khatiras after Fajr. 

A detailed program will be sent out via email.
We encourage community members to attend these sessions, and provide feedback to ICP leadership before the final decision


  • Indoor swimming event is being held exclusively for our sisters in private indoor pool at River City. First session was on Sunday October 15th, and next session will be Insha’Allah on Sunday October 29th from 2-4 PM. Registration details have been sent via email


  • IFP will be hosting the 3rd Annual Seerah Conference. Please mark your calendar for the weekend of Friday/Saturday – 27/28th October 2023.


  • PMC Annual Doubles Badminton Tournament for brothers will be be on  Saturday November 4th from 8am to 3pm Insha’Allah. Registration details has been sent via email


  • Sisters sports activities are being held at ICP gym every Sunday from 4:30pm-6pm Insha’Allah. Please contact Sr Ameena Patel for more details


  • Peoria Muslim Club (PMC) boys Basketball  is being held on every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9pm, and Soccer is bring held on every Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30pm Insha’Allah. Registration details have been sent via email


  • Br Maher Hajar has undergone surgery in his neck, and is recovering Alhamdulillah. May Allah give him and all sick of our ummah Shifa Ameen